Are you soon opening a new manufacturing facility, and haven't thought of what you will require your employees to wear to work? Or were hired to manage one and realize that a dress code is greatly needed due to the array of unsafe or inappropriate clothing options the employees show up in? Don't worry, because creating your dress code can be very easy when you follow these two steps.
1. Look into Local and Federal Dress Code Laws
If you have never developed a dress code for employees before, then you need to know the laws regarding workplace dress codes. Thankfully, there is no a long list of specific federal do's and don'ts when it comes to choosing what your employees wear. You just have to make sure that any rule you create does not unintentionally discriminate against anyone's religion, gender, race, or disability.
To play it safe, make your dress code simple, have the company lawyer look over it, and make sure there is a notice at the bottom of the official dress code policy you plan to circulate that you are willing to make exceptions to the dress code if anyone needs an exception due to a health need, disability, or need to wear a religious item at work.
2. Buy Clothing that Fits the Dress Code For Your Employees
There are multiple benefits to proving clothing that fits the dress code you create to your employees free of charge. It can help you avoid complaints from employees who cannot afford new clothing and prevent a general decline in workplace moral due to everyone having to go spend money on new clothing for work.
What is a proper, simple dress code for a manufacturing facility? A good option includes a good pair of American-made work jeans, a solid-colored t-shirt, and a pair of steel-toed boots. It is also a good idea to provide each employee with a sweatshirt in the same color as the t-shirts they can wear when they are cold.
Why not provide them with American made work jeans instead of khaki pants or other casual attire? First, a well-made, thick pair of jeans will protect your employees legs much better than a thin pair of khaki pants. This can help prevent cuts and scrapes to your employees legs, which can occur in any manufacturing environment. Also, due to the durability of American Made Jeans by All USA Clothing, they will last quite a long time before wearing out. While any uniform items you purchase for your employees are tax deductible, you still don't want to spend more cash than you have to replacing think khakis that are prone to tearing very easily. If you live in a cold area of the country, then jeans will keep your employees legs warm like thin pants cannot.
If you are new to owning or managing a manufacturing facility, then make implementing a new dress code less stressful for you and your employees by following these two steps.